Monday, May 19, 2008

The Best of The Best: 8 Really Good Financial Sites

There's a lot of financial information out there on the web - some of it is very good, some of it less so.

But there are some sites, blogs and forums that in particular stand out, and I thought I would share them with you.

One of my all time favorite web sites on frugality and financial planning is The Dollar Stretcher. Gary Foreman, the founder is a former financial planner, and he runs a really great website with links to articles as well as some of his own. If you are looking to cut costs and learn to live within your means, this site is a great place to start.

The Frugal Living area at is a really the place to learn about stretching your money until it begs for mercy. With great articles about how to DIY nearly everything, as well as an excellent forum - much improved in tone and focus by the recent change in guides to Erin Huffstetler, this site is a great resource for those who want to learn to live within their means. And for those of you who aren't familiar with, check it out - there's an area devoted to almost every topic under the sun, from buying antiquest to DIY car repair. It's one of the better informational resources on the web.

Two very similar-in-tone blogs, Trent over at The Simple Dollar, and J.D. at Get Rich Slowly both changed their lives via frugality. Both run excellent, informative blogs, and have acheived my goal of making a living at their writing. Trent recently acheived a lifelong goal of mine, and interviewed Amy Dacyczyn, founder of The Tightwad Gazette.

Liz Pulliam Weston, Jim Jubak and MP Dunleavy are all brilliant writers, for very different reasons. They all write for MSN's money site, and they do it well. I especially enjoy MP's Women In Red articles, which follow the lives of real women trying to gain control of their finances. has some of the best financial calculators on the web, and even though I am not her intended audience, I really enjoy Barbara Mlotek Whelehan's Boomer Bucks. This site is serious about money, and a great resource.

On the less-known side, I highly recommend checking out Our Common Cents, a brilliant site hosted by my friend Carrie. Good advice, simple solutions, worth your time. I especially enjoyed her recent article on financial literacy.

Last but not least, I have to offer kudos to CNN's personal finance area, as well as the consistently good articles put out by Money magazine on their money site. Money is one of the few mags I purchase, and their articles are typically excellent. I also enjoy their 'Millionaires in the Making' segments.

Happy reading!

Think I should pay attention to your site? I'd love to hear about it. Leave me a comment and let's talk!

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